Twiddlemuffs to Comfort Those in Need

Hi folks! This month’s craft for a cause feature is crochet and knit twiddlemuffs (also spelled twiddle muffs). Let me guess, you’re thinking, “what the heck are twiddlemuffs”? I know this because I can read your mind. Kidding. Kidding folks. Stop panicking. ?
For real though, I know what you’re thinking because I thought it too. Twiddlemuffs, huh? What exactly are these and how are they related to a charity cause?

Well, let me fill you in folks. Twiddlemuffs are sensory comfort aids for people of all ages who suffer from sensory-related conditions, such as dementia, autism, and even arthritis.
Twiddlemuffs are basically crochet or knit hand muffs with multiple sensory stimulating attachments like bows, buttons, beads, and ribbons.
People with sensory conditions and impaired memory often have restless hands. They need to twiddle, fiddle, and feel different textures. Keeping their hands occupied tends to have a calming effect. For this reason I have even heard that these muffs are soothing for people with anxiety and ADHD.
So how can you help? First, crochet or knit some twiddlemuffs.
Here are links to free twiddlemuff crochet patterns:
Twiddlemuff pattern by Shirley MacDonald
Twiddle muff by Sari Suvanto
Twiddle muff by Sari Suvanto (2nd pattern)
Twiddlemuff patterns by Sari Suvanto are in Finnish, but she can be contacted at Ravelry via the links I provided and has expressed her willingness to help anyone who contacts her. Additionally, per Sari, there is a Facebook group called Twiddle muffs Finland that would love to have new international members join and share their ideas. If you are interested, simply click on Twiddle muffs Finland.
Here are links to free twiddlemuff knitting patterns:
Royal Devon and Exeter
The second step is to donate them! Don’t know where to send them? Try these places.
1. Hospitals.
2. Dementia/Alzheimer care facilities.
3. Assisted living or retirement centers.
4. Local schools. Many schools have students with developmental issues or can direct you to schools for children in need of your donation.
5. Contact the people or hospitals via the pattern links for where to donate.

Twiddlemuffs are a great scrap buster project. If you are anything like me then you have balls and balls of yarn remnants stuffed in almost every crevice of your house. Put all that scrap yarn to use!
I wish I had known about twiddlemuffs a long time ago. Not only would my house be less cluttered with yarn, but for me, making twiddlemuffs would be a nice neighborly deed. You see, my home is surrounded by a dementia care center and I am sure some of the patrons would love these comforting gifts.
On a more personal note, I also have a special family member with autism and I’ve seen his restlessness first hand. I will make a special effort to whip up a few of these comforting muffs just for him!
Where will you give your twiddlemuffs?
Until next time… Happy Crocheting & Knitting!

[email protected]
Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
I've been making twiddle muffs since 2018 when my Father-in-law had very restless hands. I have made them for the Memory Care unit where he lived and to a Hospice Center. I have also just posted them on my Facebook profile and friends and neighbors have asked for them and I usually get yarn donations that way too!
Thursday 17th of October 2024
Hi Carol,
Oh I loved reading this! It's amazing what a help twiddlemuffs really can be. :)
Best wishes,
Tuesday 2nd of January 2024
Somente agora tomo conhecimento desses projetos maravilhosos, estou encantada e até emocionada! Parabéns por participar e muito obrigada por compartilhar. Um abraço de oração
Wednesday 3rd of January 2024
Oi Mirian,
Muito obrigado pelo seu comentário. Estou tão feliz que você finalmente descobriu Twiddlemuffs. Na verdade, eles funcionam muito bem! Eu faço para meu filho que tem autismo.
Desejo a você tudo de melhor, RaeLynn.
Tuesday 21st of February 2023
I made one but made it flat, like a lap rug, but not as big. The husband of the recipient was thrilled to get it for his wife as she picked at everything. He said it helped her a lot.
Saturday 25th of February 2023
Hi JoAnne,
I've seen ones like you are describe, like a lap blanket. Autism runs in my family and both Twiddlemuffs and the sensory blankets really do help!
Tuesday 12th of October 2021
I just found your site ... this is very encouraging since I am about to lose my mind. I have been taking care of my 83 yrs old father-in-law who now has dementia. His busy hands had caused so many problems (dirty diapers, especially, spread all over himself and bedding). I didn't know anything about this until I read about busy hands in dementia patients and oh my, how do I obtain this twiddlemuff? I don't crochet sadly - his wife did but we lost her last year. Please , help!! - desperate daughter-in-law!
Saturday 15th of October 2022
Gracee mail me I will send you one
Wednesday 13th of October 2021
Hi Grace,
I am so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. Dementia can be so hard for everyone involved. The Twiddle muffs here are patterns and not actual products, but I believe you can find them on Etsy (aff link). I hope you can find one that he will love and will help reduce the stress of his care.
Best wishes,
Vintage Cat
Sunday 30th of September 2018
Thank you so much!!! I have 4 (diagnosed on the spectrum) family members & they all are involved in different school & social programs etc. I see a lot of projects in my future to share with other families in our communities! Love, Love, Love!!!
Friday 16th of November 2018
You are so very welcome! My nephew has Autism and twiddlemuffs really do help!